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The dream to be free

Feeling blue
Feeling old like rot
Well, atleast I’m not in a sugarcoated coma
Dart in heart
Open wound
Wide open
Opened by you
And than emptied by you
Tar in heart
Dictionary definition of despair
Frida Kahlo
Hollow heart
Opened by you
And than emptied by you
What happened to the filling?
Was it priceless like silk?
Or worthless like spilled milk?
Now I feel everything x 100
I am full of love and full of rage
Rage for what the world is now
Love for what the world could be
I hate the wait
I can’t, I can’t, I can’t cope
But I cling on to hope
The wings of hope help me fly through the sky
Dream, dream, dream.
Live in reality, but never forget the dream
The dream to be free

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 372 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-14 20:11

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland