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Om jag någon gång skulle få för mig att komponera en hiphop-låt skulle det bli ungefär så här

Fatherfuckers, this is for all the fags and girls!

Watch out boys
We don’t like being treated like fucking toys
Y’all gotta know
That I ain’t yo fuckin hoe
So, listen up fatherfuckers
Don’t be a bunch of suckers
This is to all the butchdykes driving their truckers
And the nancyboys who aren’t ashamed to be dicksuckers

We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta write
Hell yeah
We gotta write
Our own bill of rights
A declaration of feminist independence

We don’t listen to no Simon says
Cuz we got our own Simone de Beauviour says
Feminists this world is messed up
Listen up
Time to get fed up
With atombomb bases
All the sexism in our faces
And all the fascist places

We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta write
Hell yeah
We gotta write
Our own bill of rights
A declaration of feminist independence

Don’t rape
Cuz we’ll reshape
Yo’ face
If you hate boys who like to suck dick
Your skull may be way to thick
And when them butchdykes come to break it
You gonna be a wussy
Better stop thinking that sex is just between a dick and a pussy

We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta write
Hell yeah
We gotta write
Our own bill of rights
A declaration of feminist independence

And lastly,
Despite the agressiveness of this song
Remember that violence is wrong
But silence is too
So we gotta raise our voices from New York to Hong Kong
We gotta fight for our rights all day long
And burn that thong, th-thong, th-thong, thong
To the tune of this song.

We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta fight
Hell Yeah
We gotta write
Hell yeah
We gotta write
Our own bill of rights
A declaration of feminist independence

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 794 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-14 20:55

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland