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How did we get so vain?

When the pain is so great in your chest
It pearces through your breast
So you can’t get no rest
Urgent mess:
The world can’t stay
This way
You say:
They can’t defeat us
I say:
How can I win when my body is a mere fetus?
Wanting to cry
Asking my mother why
They just don’t care
Why they just stop to stare
When I stand up tall
Fighting for freedom and justice for all
An uphill battle
I feel the hardest of pain
Stomach pain
Meat makes my heart vomit
But they only care if it
Makes a stain
In their Christian Dior
Mirror, mirror
On the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all
How did we get so vain?
So blind
And unkind
I don’t want their sympathy
I just want them to stop living in apathy
No, I don’t want their sympathy
I just want them to stop living in apathy
A world filled with empathy
Where dreams become reality

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 422 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-14 22:20

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland