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how can I keep on living with this pain, with this grief.
I can't stand knowing it was me, I blew it. why?
I keep asking myself that stupid question...
if I let you go, then what?
I know it's been, uhm.. one year and some months now,
but I still can't get it. how come?
it's not working anylonger.
it really isn't. I still can't believe you're gone.
just like that. just like that... how do you think?
I can survive on memories?
I know I got them beautiful and wonderful.
but it's not enough. it never is. I miss you. so bad. so hard.
it's killing me missing you. I don't want to be one of it no more.
I want to quit. let me out... just let me!

Övriga genrer av kallasEME
Läst 192 gånger
Publicerad 2008-09-17 20:49

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