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Just dealing with patriarchy in religion and in the rest of society... "Give not thy strength to women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings." - The bible Proverb 31:3

The witches are the real Jesus

Shut your mouth little girl
It keeps you well-liked in a mans world
Learn to flip your hair
Not to flip them off
Be a mystical beauty who doesn’t ask for more
Nobody wants a loud-mouth whore
Do you want to end up like Joan of Arch?
She was killed cuz she tried to make her mark

Don’t be gay
Cuz you know they used to say
That the way to make the witches fire as evil as it could
Was to blend gays with the wood
And let them burn first
Because they were the worst

I only wanted them to understand
That the most wonderful people don’t fit into boxes
But my dear witches
They were so afraid
So afraid that you would burn the whole box
So they felt they had to burn you

Beautiful witches
I send all my love to you
Your hearts were on fire
And they didn’t know quite what to do with you
You were so real and didn’t know how to be fake
So they burned you at the stake
They thought that you could be burned away
But your souls they could never take

It’s probably not much comfort to you now
But the only reason they wanted you dead
Was that it’s easier to shout “Off with their heads”
Than to face up to your own fears
The truth was too hot for them to handle
They cried out for revenge and put you at the top of a candle

Forgive them for their ignorance
Forgive them for their sins
That way they will never ever win
You are not just pawns in patriarchies passion play
Please believe me when I say
That we are going to make sure that you didn’t die in vain

Still today the world smells a little toasty
With witches burning
Almost every day
Hillary, Yoko, Courtney
Oh, how I love thee
Modern day witches
You make me strong
And teach me that it isn’t wrong
To stand up for your rights
We won’t be quiet
When we should start a riot

If god exists
It seems to me he is quite the misogynist
Telling us one man, oh holy Jesus
Is the symbol of goodness
Because he died for our sins sake
While ignoring that thousands of women were burnt at the stake
for the exact same reason
Maybe it’d be different if he thought women were human?
Maybe it’d be different if we treated women like humans
Denying everybody equal rights is just so insane
It's time the fires were put out with the fresh water of rain
Because the witches pain
Can not have been in vain

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 657 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-14 15:50

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland