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Kritik tack :) jag vill höra allt, bra som dåligt. .

This thing called love. .

She act like she don't care 'cause love will just come to an end once more,
And in her mind she can se herself all brokenharted on the bathroom floor.
She pretends that she don't care as much as she really do,
But if he leave her I don't think she will find someone new.
She belives that he'll be her man to marry and that his child she'll carry.
But she's blind from the love she think they share, because her"man" just don't care.
He says he has practice every monday and friday,
But he's with another girl at the end of the highway.
One day she takes the step and by a pregnancy test
One minute after she get the answear her man confessed
She think about what a huge mistake she did
And now what, how could this young girl raise a kid.
Thoughts are spining round her head,
She pulls the gun and now she's dead.

Fri vers av taimi
Läst 200 gånger
Publicerad 2008-12-16 19:51

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