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En sång som beskriver en som förlorat något för att den var otillräcklig.

Song about something else

The years have passed,
I learned that things that was
trusted never really stayed.
And I thought I could fly,
but that didn't seem logic.

The feathers of pure and
the sillyness of an open mind.
I care and I fear that you
wan't something else.
Something I just can't give you.

And that's why this is a song
about something else.
A song about everything I can't
give you. The else that keeps
following me and makes me want
to stop.

The days are just longer.
And I miss my fingers moving,
to tie a ribbon 'round a box.
And then give the present to
you, my love.

And I miss your surprised face
even though you knew that I'd
never stop giving you flowers.
That smile. I miss that smile.

And that's why this is a song
about something else.
A song about everything I can't
give you. The else that keeps
following me and makes me want
to stop.

That's why this song is about
my broken heart.
A song about this everlastingwow.
That keeps my head spinning and
For you my dearest.

Fri vers av Poet of the abyss
Läst 117 gånger
Publicerad 2008-12-29 19:18

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Song about something else
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