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En berättelse om en fågel

Have you ever seen my crow?

Once, I saw a bird with white plumage
to the grey and green background it was a really bad camouflage
it chased the rays of sunshine
unaware of the serious world on the ground
it often snoozed in the largest of trees
and when awake, it cruised between the trunks

but, it could never find a true companion
because this bird, was one of its kind
bound to be left alone
bound to fly but to no home
bound to the emptiness of the sky
looking down the bird could see the world ahead
storylines crashed into battle
fought each other and killed one another
the white bird who could see it all turned black
because that was the true color of the world

slowly, the white feathers began to come loose
and the bird flew for the cries of the night
feather after feather sailed down from the sky
a black bird, now cruising the skies
looking over us as we fight each other and kill one another
and in the black night you can hear its complaining caw
the black crow, was finally born

Fri vers av Mala fide
Läst 353 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-19 18:50

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Mala fide
Mala fide