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MJ (A Tribute To The King Of Pop)

You started out at five
And you became our king
On the stage you used to jive
No denying, you could sing!

Though you had a rough start
It only made you tougher
And you had a golden heart
I'm so sorry you had to suffer

When "Billie Jean" came
It was hot, new and fun
It brought you all the fame
And it made you number one

You've sold the most records
We all thought you were great
You have reaped all the rewards
It was You and it was fate

The world has lost it's glow
Now that you are gone
We waited for your last show
But the weariness, it won

I'll remember you as you were
'Cus you will always be
The greatest music entrepreneur
And to our hearts you hold the key

The key of music and of soul
Your music made me feel whole
When I was down and feeling weak
You were so special and unique

Rest In Peace!

Fri vers av vannii
Läst 413 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-16 18:42

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There will never be another Michael Jackson. He was everything I want to become. MJ - the definition of love and peace.

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