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Dear God
May I have faith
May I not be tempted
to forget your power.
May I not be tempted
to forget your love.

May my mind not stray
to the might of the destroyer
but remember instead
the might of the Lord.

Tommorow, you shall show me.
You shall have the last word,
the final say.
And so I shall not worry.
You shall redeem me,
I shall resurrect.

You shall bring forth
new life from all
apparent death.
You create from what
the darkness has destroyed,
for your power is infinite,
your forgiveness total,
your mercy complete.

So shall it be that I
might fall, but I shall
not remain down
for my Lord is with me.
He shall lift me up.
He shall create a new day.
He shall bring me home.
Praise God.


Marianne Williamson, Illuminata.

Övriga genrer av Johan Bergstjärna VIP
Läst 259 gånger och applåderad av 10 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-11 20:21

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Johan Bergstjärna
Johan Bergstjärna VIP