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F. Larsson

Male icon från Östersund

A warriors greatest satisfaction lies in being able to die without regret




A knight in shining armor.. (1) - 2009-04-25
Enough is enough!! - 2009-04-21
What does warriors truly Fear... - 2009-04-17

MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 11 Texter

A knight in shining armor.. (1) - 2009-04-25
The warriors challenge, - 2009-04-24
Enough is enough!! - 2009-04-21
Death, to act as men.. (1) - 2009-04-20
What does warriors truly Fear... - 2009-04-17
The world... As it once were... As it, Should be..... - 2009-04-14
The crossroads for a warrior and a man. (1) - 2009-04-13
Recruited by the devil. (2) - 2009-04-12
The wolf warlord! (1) - 2009-04-12
The kings warriors and a mighty storm to come (1) - 2009-04-11
The warriors unknown paradox (2) - 2009-04-11

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Blev medlem april 2009

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