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When the cup is full and there are no more excuses to hold back the tears, The only thing that stops them is anger..

Enough is enough!!

My fist cracks the stone table and my eyes makes everyone silent, I stand up with heavy breath and a wrinkled forehead.
I rapidly walk out with heavy steps and i feel the silence behind me as i walk away.

I reach a great rock on th top of a long hill, the moon is big and full. I stare into the ground thinking of what was just said..
I feel the wind in my face and the world seams to want to calm me down..
It whispers peace warrior, Feel peace and stay your sword..

My sword, I just realized my hand had grasped its handle and slowly begun to pull it out of its slide.. The wind grew slightly stronger..


I pull my sword swiftly and start to make my way back to the stone table with certain steps. I hear the silence begin as i approach the doors.. I enter the room and roar my name so it echoes in the great hall..
The kings head rolls over the floor with a face of fear..

I will challenge everything in this world without fear or regret as a warrior should So that fate will permit me to die in battle for a better world..

Enough is enough..

"We will all die, our only choice is how to greet the reaper"

Fri vers av F. Larsson
Läst 177 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-21 11:49

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F. Larsson