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chivalry, loyalty and grace is since long forgotten i feel. Todays knights have a too strong an enemy..

A knight in shining armor..

The knights of today still possess strong hearts indeed and powerful characters..
But the evil foe,s of today are far more potent indeed..

To fight todays enemies one must sacrifice one self for eternity and take on the characteristics of an evil man. Because you cannot fight them without slowly turning into one of them..
For every foe that i throw blooded to the ground a part of me dies..

I only pray that when the last enemy is dead I will still have the strength to defend the world from my own evil...

The last hero must die after victory, Such a high cost.
I pay it gladly

Fri vers av F. Larsson
Läst 202 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-04-25 14:06

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F. Larsson