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Hurt, but still hope?

To suffer is to know what you did wrong,
but know that you can´t change the past
you still hurt her


To live with that thought is to progress,
but be carefull where you walk
or you will do it again


To forgive yourself is to let go and accept
take greater steps forward
maybe a smile now and then

Breath out

My journey has just begun.....Will I make it?

Fri vers av jonathan hague
Läst 250 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-10 23:20

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En väldigt stark dikt som vittnar om mkt. smärta..

Och den hade egentligen, om jag törs ge kritik, blivit bättre utan sista raden
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jonathan hague
jonathan hague