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Every saturday night...

I would call you up every saturday night..
if it wasn´t for the fact that the distance
is to great...

I´m alone, listening to music about pain
brought to one by love and the sad part is
that I recognize myself in almost every one
of these songs...

Time have hurt me

I´m thinking of yestarday, of the christmass
spirit that gave me a glimpse of hope, of
happines and joy

But in vain, cuse I know the reality isn´t
filled with hope, nor joy. I can´t really feel
any of that when I´m covered with darkness

Cold, bitter darkness..

Fri vers av jonathan hague
Läst 176 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-25 17:36

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inspirerad av en annan sång märker jag

hurtfull, beautiful and sad..
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jonathan hague
jonathan hague