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Buds to Roses

Drowsy evening sun, slowly turn your tune,

I rumble, I rattle

I dream and I scream.

Thoughts are tough through the night,

early morning come to me, make everything seem fine.

Tick, tock,

tick, tock,

to make time stop, now switch off my clock,

the sudden silent, make everything still,

In the thin air, cold wind lose speed, I’m floating down the street,

the leafs freezes, toss down from its tree.

Outside my window, snowflakes whirl around,

days go by,

As I wake up from torpor, a seed awakes,

Walking down that same old street, hear those heart beats,

it’s growing in me,

composed by love, buds from the roses,

grow me wings,

I drift off, into a comfortable dream, many days from loneliness,

I find myself in her harmony high above the changing trees.

Övriga genrer av Sjömannen
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-06 22:20

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