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Easy to say

We met, we loved, we fought,
we loved and broke up and made up
and tried and cried and screamed and loved
and bled and longed for each other for so long
and now it seems like dreams are just dreams
and don't exist in the real world and we're
broken by those promises broken. You met
someone new hope she will be good to you
and make you happy cause that was always my dream,
to see you happy. But love is not enough,
life is rough and harsh sometimes and cut's like a knife
sometimes but if her love can heal the wound and if
she's there for you with all that and more than
I could ever be for you I'd say that that is enough for me
imagine that perfect poetry and love
so sweet it makes you wake up
with a smile makes you say
"I can't wait" inspires you
to be to have and do and
most of all makes it
easy to say
I love you

Fri vers av Aleena Gibson
Läst 266 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-10 01:50

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Aleena Gibson
Aleena Gibson