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Något jag skrev till en tävling på en annan sida.

Doomsday device

Fatal tests at Alamos,
sleepness nights at Oak Ridge
To call the ire of Thanatos,
to victory abridge
Heisenberg had failed;
their isotopes were lame
Bohr's graphite prevailed,
result was all the same

The wrath of demon core
took a few great men
Never once before
had Feynman worked as then
It had been known a long time then
"E = mc^2"
Einstein never dreamt of when
those letters would be feared

Man a god above all else,
a slave his own production
I think it of him so much tells
he wove his own destruction
In radioactive exhaled breath
a pressure wave of doom
Eight hundred degrees of death
searing flesh from bone

He saw it, so he knew,
and so said "it worked"
A gram of armageddon grew
his stalker ever lurked
Clad himself in reaper guise,
but never could repent
Couldn't answer all those "whys"
and then his lungs were spent

He rests in peace now
Science saw him well
Even though we don't know how
we can escape his hell
Ever since we all gave war
So many crippling stitches
Victory's been ever far
We've all been sons of bitches

Fri vers av L. C. Nielsen
Läst 200 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-26 05:54

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L. C. Nielsen
L. C. Nielsen