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Slutet sorg lämnad In the darkness

In the Darkness

I'm living in the shadows,
In a place where the light don't shine.
I'm all filled with the darkness,
and I'm sitting here alone,
drinking my last bottle of wine.

I can hear the terrifying screams,
coming from the scattered souls,
that are spread all around the word.
I don't know what's fake or what's real,
and I can't understand the feelings i feel.

Something is going on and i don't know what it is,
but this isn't safe and I have to carry on,
cuz I can't stay here where i do not belong.

I'm starting to crawl,
I crawl, and crawl but I'm not moving.
Something is hold me, and it don't want me to leave,
I can sense the feelings coming from it,
the pain it has and the fear it feels,
It's indescribable it's something you really can't believe.

The darkness is overwhelming,
And i can't control my self, and i can no longer flee,
I can see that this is the weary end.
God by world you weren't meant  for me...

Written by: Tobias Berglund.   (2012-11-12)

Övriga genrer av Tobias Berglund
Läst 318 gånger
Publicerad 2012-11-12 21:05

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Tobias Berglund
Tobias Berglund