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'Then it comes to reality? Is the weather not a piece of the reality? På en skämtteckning jag såg en gång var det i en lång kanot sju roddare som skrek i megafon till den som satt i fören och hade en lång paddel i sina händer.

So, how did it all happened?

A woman is after a time in prison, at her shrink. Lying down at the sofa. They are first talking about the weather and things like that. Then it comes to reality.
- Tell me. Just tell me.
- Well. I was falling in love to a man.
- Yes.
- Do not talk in my talk, please.
- Okay. Just talk.
- Another woman falling in love with that man. And he seems to like it. I know. I knew, that he was interrested too. I did not ever said to him that I was. But I did not like those being in love to each other.
- So?
- Yes. So I killed that woman. And after a while I thought that I just have to kill him too.
- So you are thinking that...
- That what?
- Think about it. If Peter...
- Who the hell is this Peter fellow?
- Imagine that one man, Peter, fell in love with you. Without telling you of course. Then you fell in love with George...
- Who the hell is George?
- Imagine even him.
- All right.
- Well, you fell in love with George and Peter find out that you do. Then Peter have all the right to kill first George, and a few Days later you.
- No, no, no. That is not right. I shall live.
- But why? You killed first a woman, and then the man you find attractive.
- Yes, I really did.
- Don't you see? It is the same.
- No, no, no. It is not the same.
- Oh yes, it really is.
- No. For the first. My name is not Peter.
Here a cup of hot, pause appeared.

Prosa (Kortnovell) av lodjuret/seglare VIP
Läst 711 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-07-06 21:19

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    ej medlem längre
it's too late for coffee now, I think. but nicely text, with all the killing and stuff..

maybe I should kill someone too..hmm..
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lodjuret/seglare VIP