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A dream where I die

I dreamed one night that I died and went to hell.
I’ve never dreamed before that I have died, and that scared me.
Was the dream a sign that when I die I will go to hell for eternity?
The thought of that contradict how I always seen on life after death, as I’ve always believed that there is nothing beyond the grave.
Just emptiness, no smell, no sounds, no feelings, nothing.
But the dream was totally different from what I usually dream about.
And I’ve heard that dreams are fragments of experiences during the day that repeats itself.
I’ve been analyzing the dream many times, wondering where I could have gotten those fragments that would play itself as a dream in hell, but I can’t find any sign of that sort.
Although I’ve heard of all these theories of what dreams are, I want to believe that dreams are another plane of existence where ones consciousness enters when the connections to the mortal body breaks during the nights.
I know that I speak against my own words from before about that there’s nothing beyond the grave, which there have to be if ones consciousness travels during the nights. But I really want to believe in the unknown.
This life can’t be all that there is. But if it is…

What a waste of time.

Prosa av Prince Damien
Läst 109 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-07-29 14:35

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Prince Damien