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  från en av ResenärGenomLivets vackra originaltexter "Alla sinnen" https://www.poeter.se/Las+Text?textId=1769174

All Senses (ResenärGenomLivet)


You caress light, white skies 
over the yonder blue heavens 
Far away at the edge of the horizon 
there are wooly clouds, small tiny ones 
The sun is shining bright and clear, 
brown it's coloring of my cheeks 
Beyond the forests and my meadows 
a light summer breeze sweeps 

There is a stillness and a tranquility 
which is only interrupted by bird's singing 
Nature holds so much wisdom 
which to us it has always been giving 
Down to the smallest detail all is foreseen 
Look closer and you too shall see 
If we'll use all of our senses 
what nature gives we can receive 

Walking with bare summer feet, 
whistling on a little ditty 
Hear how the winds silently whispers, 
sweet words, 'tis a solace of intensity 
Opens the eyes, ears, and heart 
It fills you whole with summer's song 
Then I hear how it is singing 
all autumn and all winter long 

(ResenärGenomLivet 4 Jun 2014)

L Patrik W Johansson english version 7 Jun 2014



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Övriga genrer av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 487 gånger
Publicerad 2014-06-07 22:12

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