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The city of the windmill.

The scrubby, colleague becomes, a paunchy boss. Not important to remember I am a still snobbiest or disappointed because interdiction to take photo from the internet on the windmill so I have to take ask or make it by myself. That was the reason to ask somebody with special camera to do it for me.
Yesterday I give an appointment with an old school friend.
We have to meet us unannounced each other at the central station, about to the matinee hours. For the photography surprise.
For the recognition we should wear book in the hands "Swedish for native" books from the eagles age of youth, when was power and glory and hopes on south of Stockholm on that time.
Globe was only a wild inland for the rabbits jumped to Gullmarsplan underground.
There was a windmill and late become with a profit restaurant serving traditional food Swedish very prosperous. Gullmarsplan, which build des on the old foundation in 1850. In this historic setting is now a restaurant.
A long time ago Stockholm was called for: '' The city, of the windmill city ''There is the windmill on the hill even today.
And the wind is wondering?
And mill and miller still ask in shadows after each other’s in the ghost Waves toddy,
We, I cannot understand kitchen with clandestine overseas smell, and so desolate wind blows in land Stockholm becomes the ghosts city.
No, no any pictures today. The Stockholm belongs to those a live nasty ghosts!

Prosa av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 234 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-11-28 10:57

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP