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:audio, audio, audio… to the right…! lyssna ..:)

Breathe - please, very slowly…


-Do you know why Orpheus failed?
Yes…? ;),
because he couldn’t keep his mind at
one thing at a time…
http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/entries/orpheus.html )

- Shall we turn us
to eschatology than, or
we would stay
in the land of our dreams?
(everything is all about our future)
We don’t want to be
the children of - only - quantity..

You know,’
there is a lot of energy
in fabrics of the void…
End? > hopefully not,
-your brain and mine ha ha
can find its path, in between
the illusion of life
and >
an unknown void of the cosmic mystery.
Why not!?
Our brain is a quantum computer, you see…
What a great possibility!
~ - - - -
Don’t forget, every one of us has a soul, too ?

* * *
Your brain trying - always - to fly from a cloud of stimuli..
to a solution ;)
-learn to walk among people…

Is Western Europe cultural heritage almost destroyed,
and Christianity, and Ethics, and Hope…?
Who will remember our History..?
(just pray..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx1ud-3fXC8 )

I do…

One step in the snow
Sighing about others shores
Winters’s old engine

* *
It is December now and I like it!
* *

Ps. Have you ever thought about the concept of the capital letter “A”?
Is it so easy, do you think? .) Only? leaning diagonals connected by horizontal cross bars...
Look at the picture up there!
There is something more complex there, beyond the simple notion that most people have of the concept "A"…
Is it?

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 511 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-05 19:27

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