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funderingar.. ;) music by F. Chopin and The Sea

“Photuris pensylvanicus and Mare Cognitum”

* * *

Life needs a new direction,

A new path,


-very often, -maybe,

and not always it must return

to the point of origin….


You know,

the stars, even they

are bound to die

when their time is ready,

but before that

they may shine –always

-without fear.



- a thesis circle –should involve us too  -

all this,

like winter turns into spring,

turns into summer…



-in time of conflict,

you must choose one side or another…

-may I borrow a few arrows from you ;)

You see,

I like gentle spring,

it usually prepares flowers

for you and for me,

and it opens the window of light

for us,

a new hope, new music of the possible future.



we all know,

it is not to late,

the earth still spinning,

lines of hope are unfolding…


The backdoors to the past

still are obscuring through time,

is it only a labyrinth of strange echoes?

Light of the next spring

is important now.


And me,

still here,

rumbling about sunny days,

about summer and flowers,

dreaming to the next sun rise

-over and over again  :)


Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 539 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-30 21:02

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