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The Darkness bring me closer to you my dearest friend. The joy that you brings me makes my Wings more shiny and more powerful. My wings bring me joy and freedom every day.

The Darkness bring me closer to you.

The hand of Death are killing my soul of Sadness. This pain is killing me of the Burning flame inside the Destiny. The power of Love is gonna make me Survive trought me against the pain that they tortures the old me and from this moment I be stronger than before.
The Darkness bring me closer to you my dearest friend. The joy that you brings me makes my Wings more shiny and more powerful. My wings bring me joy and freedom every day. The moment when I was flying from the montain that was the happiest day in my life. I felt so free when I fly down the edge. The power of Love with you are all I ever want. Your smile make me feel very Lucky and your eyes make my hole body boil like fire inside and that is Love. I survive with you by my side. You are my soulmate my Lovely fine friend that I always gonna Love.

Prosa (Fabel/Saga) av CuteFrugan666
Läst 312 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-04-01 17:28

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