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Veil of Sorrow

She bears the veil of sorrow by his chest
The marble arch carries loads of stones  not to ever rest

Your chateu hides in the shadows of a  lubrant fairytale
Oh Romeo though Juliet and abigail, he lives in a beutiful house on mean streat

Its deprived of the light of the day as he amuses himself with his own defeat

There is a mocking contemt and a certain smile
she leaves at that as the pieces slowly fit toghether.
The letterboxes slowly agrees in a silent scream
Was all not but a vivid gigantic dream

We swallow moments and catch our eys. Swallow the garden in a field of lies
The breath within is like a key in the pocket
Where is the dooor, do though evver want moore whtas inside the magicians knocket

My every entrance means to carry a warmimg heart
defend the lonley and time as they are apart
For what is a speculation but a transport of time
Value it moore, this is your hard earned dime

A  morning i bless you as you didnt come to stay
Forever a kiss on the cheek in the silent grey
with a windfall of love she bows to replenish

...Love...love...love......a heart not finished. 

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 324 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-04 15:27

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Songbird VIP