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My Sweet Heroin

Dance your freak
Dance, dance, dance
Dance into epilepsy
Dance, dance and feel free
Aaarrchh you are my Heroin
Dance with me on a rainbow keen
You are my Heroin
Dance your freak, dance on a yellow Hill,
dance in ecstasy, you are my Heroin
You are my breath, my air, my lullaby kill
Dance, dance your fading Anonym, you are my Heroin
Getting high in the light of liberty
Dance on tones from the melody, you are my Heroin
Feels like a sweet conspiracy, a great possiblity
Dance, dance, dance my Hero, my hate, my responsibility

You are my trust, my hope, my infinity
My dream, my vision, my divinity
Dance with me, dance, dance, dance my sweet Heroin
My deep dark seduction
Dance, dance, dance into a perfect destruction

Walk that scene, dance through smoke
Light and burn that funny joke
Dance your freak, dance with me, dance until your feet bleed
You are my Heroin
Dance your ghost, dance with me
You are my sin, my thirst, my lover and my greed
Dance, dance, dance your freak, my vanity

Dance in time, dance in space
You are my flower, my beautiful grace
Taste your wonderland, swim that ocean
Feel that heartbeat, full of emotion
Dance, dance, dance my pioneer
My teacher, my desire, my volunteer

Dance, dance, dance, spin with me,
My sweet Heroin
You are my imagination, my star, my navigation
My ship, my friend, my inspiration
Dance with me, dance, dance, dance your freak, my fascination,
in the twilight of mystery
My sweet Heroin, dance with me
Let's dance, dance in the shadows of history
You are my sun, my map, my colored illusion
My mist, my dark, my great confusion

Dance, dance, dance my Heroin
Passionate intensity
Dance with me my sweet Heroin
My death, my joy, my density
Dance with me, dance, dance, dance
Let's dance in the sky were birds flying free
You will always be my Eau de vie
Dance, dance, dance with me
Our last dance, just you and me
My sweet sweet Heroin

Bunden vers (Rim) av Wikenskiöld
Läst 393 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2017-07-23 16:05

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Tack snälla Frederico, kommer läsa dina texter snart också :D

  Federico Romano
Poetisk behöver läsas mer en gång, vilket jag kommer att göra..
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