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The Age of Decadence

It's the age of depravation, the end of innocense,
now blooms decadence and children stand defenceless
our maps are old, so we were told, but we stand before
the greatest waste-land ever witnessed.

All meaning is lost, all borders crossed
nature revolts, our intellect demystified the world
it fell like the enemy of old
through lust for gold
to despise God's place of old
and by this, they murdered their soul ...

There is nothing here to build - turn around!
These bleak ruins of desolation don't lie!

I hear the murmurs from graves beneath my feet
their words are weak, their woes are deep,
we are standing on the waste-land
of the ground we once inherited
this barren soil once loved our soul.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av W i r d a r n e
Läst 241 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-02-07 15:39

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