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Winter 2008

Prozac attack

I am walking the Stations of the Cross
Via de la Rosa
in my local shopping mall
suffering, enduring the
imagined or
video documented
jeers and sneers of one
perhaps all

Prozac attack
can never get it straight,
does Pride come or go
before or after the fall?

a sack of convenience store goods
from these trance ventilated halls
weighs heavy on my wrists

is this a self-destructive twist
or a middle class lad lamenting
the loss of his shopping list?

my eyes dart through
the crowds lined with
hawkers and gawkers

and beggars who
stand as gatekeepers
before the revolving doors

trading information
in exchange for their
product placement

40 crowns of relief
for a glossy magazine
disheveled humanity
snitches to the black suited men

who prowl these corridors
armed with mobiles and
frowns to any who dare
look around

electronic sales forces
ply these plains
like bishops on a chess board

moving diagonally
and intercepting profiles
from templates
their bosses have clearly

looking for Achilles heels
in well trimmed boots

put all this in a time-capsule
swap a blanket for a saddle

in a feeding frenzy
they offer credit
on plastic cards
and the promise of
points to be redeemed

with shining holograms
in which they place their faith
and destiny

pilgrims stream
through the entrances
bearing bags and DNA

outside near the poured concrete
subway entrance
a Basque plays saxophone
in finger cut mittens
his shades of gray
solicit coins
onto a blanket of wool

Yes, I've been to Golgotha again

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 11 personer
Publicerad 2018-07-09 10:39

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  Stay Golden
middle class lad lamenting
the loss of his shopping list? ''

Golden! Keep up the fine work ^^
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP