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About your new brain

The funny thing about getting a new brain
is that you can never know what it might contain.
You might dress in the morning, all in vain
cause at half past seven you will run naked in the rain.
It might follow a program you could never explain, your new brain.
You might find your thoughts more bright, your eyesight better in the night.
It might say no to a glass of champagne, this brain.

Thousands of molecules in this exclusive chain, in your new brain.
And though the process can be full of pain, an exchange of the brain,
you are part of the program. Onboard on the train.
And these days, the operation always goes without a stain.
No point escaping, now use your brain.
Our operations take place on an airplane.

You might think we are completely insane.
But listen closely, what could in fact be more humane?
Let us show you what you can gain.
In your new brain, we put a bulb of light.
Chasing away fear, terror and fright.
If you continue to kick we might forget to turn it on, again.
A high standard is hard to always maintain.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Anna Saskia
Läst 120 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-05-21 19:30

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Anna Saskia