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This Time 'Round by Peter Moring and Lou Marshall Gould

This Time 'Round/Pepper Spray

Students get pepper sprayed
when they mount the barricades.
The law enforcement says 'Silence'
as they slime their faces and brandish their tasers

You are blinded. Your free speech is heavily spiced.
But don't mind it will take more than that.
We'll take more than that. (emphatically)
We'll take more than that!

Gather in the streets for your causes,
though law enforcement will ban your marches.

Self – fulfilling prophecy is the reigning philosophy
Pepper spray makes seeking harmony taste like

Pepper spray,
It's the awards ceremony of urban life today

Hey c’mon on Man, let it be with terms like Peace and Harmony (ghetto rapper)

Dry tears appear in our eyes, and we smudge them away
Is that the price we place on liberty, could be slippery,
It can get in the way, but still we try, and we try harder again today

I guess that's the price of urban life today
They’ve got you in their data
yeah, yeah, yeah (melodically, like the Beatles)

This time 'round what will you be - a cop with a shield or a detainee? (melodically sung)

It's a baptism under fire, or a real bad joke. (done in urban/gangsta rap mode)
Police Officers wielding batons of hard solid oak.

Is this an extra job or just some weekend fun.
The Heat is in unions but will this mean that they
show mercy and compassion for our fight today
and we don't get undone.

Or are they gunning to smash in some heads in a
Post-democratic fashion.
and reject our passion

(lines below melodically sung)

Will two hits of Pepper spray be the highlight of my day?
Tofu or steak what decision will you make

The choice is up to you, and the choice is up to me.

This time 'round what will you be - a cop with a shield or a detainee?
Yeah this time 'round what will you be - a cop with a shield or a detainee.

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 154 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2020-06-09 15:16

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    ej medlem längre
some people actually get "high" from pepper and chili and the like. they're probably immune to the spray as well. usually south americans...
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP