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Shimmering Turquoise Eyes

Sometimes I just get lost
in your shimmering turquoise eyes
and try to come up with some clever disguise
I'm probably transparent
when I think I'm being smart I'm usually
being just the opposite, quite apparent

I try to find an excuse to call
and ask a silly question
lookin' for a way to earn, to win
your affection

You are just so beautiful, so surreal
and have so much earthy sex appeal
it's dripping off the page like butterscotch
I want to savour every moment of
that double cream
Wow ya know, I better get real

Yeah, sometimes I just get lost
in your shimmering turquoise eyes
and try to come up with some clever disguise

When I see you, you keep me guessing
and with my fragile head you sure are messin'

Ya know I'm blushing a full palette
of shades of red,
I've taken out some magic invisible pens
and written your name across
my evening star window, making a wish
three scoops of coffee ice cream waiting for me
in my Flintstones comfort dish

Anyway, maybe it's a good sign
that life stirs in these old bones
looking forward to some Saturday night moans
I opened a bottle of wine this evening lit a candle
and meditated on your face, perhaps one of the best
creations of the human race

When it comes to love and Us
it's just so hard for me to be honest
and my head games always end up the same
I just get lost
in your shimmering turquoise eyes
and try to come up with some clever disguise

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 93 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2020-06-16 11:30

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    ej medlem längre
that one. yeah! this poem is what made me fall in love with your works. i commented on it, many moons since. like 3 years ago? thanks for this.
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP