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Above the clouds the sky is clear

"A quiet mind is all you need,
all else will happen rightly, once
your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising
makes the world active, so does
self-awareness affect changes
in the mind. In the light of calm
and steady self-awareness, inner
energies wake up and work miracles
without any effort on your part."
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Above the clouds it is always clear

Your Heart


already timelessly here

Break the spellbinding hold of the mental voice

by seeing it as mere non-sense noise

Attention is suddenly fully turning

towards the sky that is burning

The aware light behind

the thinking mind

a placeless place

so full of grace

This knowing


silently glowing

neither coming nor going

In the true view all is fresh as the morning dew

Fri vers av Nils Teodor VIP
Läst 112 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2021-01-24 11:59

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Nils Teodor
Nils Teodor VIP