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>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

How can anyone put any trust
in an iron hand dissolved into rust?
In a deity so endlessly cruel
considered a good god by but a fool!

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Jahve, according to the book, knows it all,
even before it happens he's on the ball,
yet lets war and accident happen anyway,
though he can stop them, thinks they're ok

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Breathtaking aches and planes falling from the sky
little children blown to bits, ask Mr Jahve why!
Wars and illnesses and violent crime,
think about them when the church bells chime

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Remember the cruelty of righteous Job's book,
when Jahve got his best follower on the hook,
murdering his children just to test their father,
though, with his omniscience, he didn't have to bother

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

With no consideration for the kids' own lives
he looks on in self-indulgence and thrives
Endless madness through sixty-six books
is what people believe in, that's how it looks

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Religious people are hazards to the civil state;
be careful, their logic is quite a bit late
Bring your best anti-religion rake;
rake religion out; all religion is fake

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Yes, soon as religion of any kind
spreads its venom, watch your mind
be it Christianity, Islam or the Dalai's forced thinking;
beware of their psychoses, watch them sinking

>God, I'm hitting a reef
each time I hear the word ”belief”<

Bunden vers (Rim) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 84 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-07-26 10:56

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