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What It Is

Looks are flesh wounds

Ethics are ways to get away (with)

Religions are power games

Religious people are Stockholm syndromized
security risks

Life is not a gift, but a helluva situation

Divorce is the emergence of truth

Death is one way of seeing things,
that wins out in the end

J.F.K. suffered such a bad back pain,
that he started the Vietnam War

Putin is so scared
that he looses himself in a D. Duck fantasy
that keeps him chewing at the Ukraine,
complaining about an IS attack in Moscow,
while simultaneously ordering hundreds such attacks
on civilians in the Ukraine!
Imagine his nightmares!

Presley missed his trucker past so much
that he kept fattening himself with candy & meat,
swelling up and exploding while defecating

Nothing is what is seems, but is what it is

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
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Publicerad 2024-03-25 07:38

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Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP