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En dålig period, eller en väldigt klar sådan? Detta var iaf vad jag ville och detta är vad som blev.

Sonnet to friends

Oh my friends! How very sad that I\'ve left!
My dear friends in life - death and that,
All too soon I gazed upon the blinding night sky.
Whence your screams passed, and tears dripped.
How came it to be, that I, so pale and frail,
Left for life with songs of that! Oh! No...
Is it that, life is but a lie and I should die?
Friends, followers in life, nothing has to pass!
In death I seek, a deeper purity.
Neither this nor that, a cold lie by mine loves.
My friends, thou with regards say to me: ha ha!
All but one, they came, the one that thought truth would prevail.

Fri vers av Mireil
Läst 253 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-28 00:16

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