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Ett försök att undgå rim. Samtidigt berätta om en känsla, i form av en plats, en tanke, en föld, en återblick, ett liv, en död, 42.

Water. Chest. Below. Known. Cause.

Rain pour down,
no sun in the sky,
clouds darken the night,
still there is a shine,
a moon there must be,
stars glow around,
dark cobble stones shown,
running water in between,
a tree peeks from above,
branches sprouting forming its crown,
eager leaves falling to the ground,
wind catches on,
tearing driblets along its course,
windows cracked into three,
drops finding their way inside,
rotten wood lies there,
a spiders web ties to the wall,
darkened stains look right out,
open doors create their shout,
air flows around a chair,
stainless steel is still adhere,
moth eaten cloth on its back,
threads reaching down below,
laced around the witless leg,
fungus raise on mouldy floor,
spores fall down in gaps,
cellar pavement underneath,
no barrier unto open land,
gentle breeze lure it out,
all to find out once more,
rain pour down.

Övriga genrer av Ymje Sköld
Läst 347 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-31 13:59

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Ymje Sköld
Ymje Sköld