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Poetbay is dying
Please help the cause
Try to teach Jof
About Santa Claus!

Fri vers av RatNick
Läst 270 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-18 16:04

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Help! Help! Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help! Help!

a sign of life our way
would be very nice
but it never comes
we don\'t know why?

letting members help
if time is too short
to take care of PoetBay
you know, it\'d be a solution

it\'s been two years now,
and it ends just like that
no reason,
no words

Help! Help! Help! Help!

Help! Help! Help! Help!

Hohoho.....guess we haven\'t been good this year? Santa has forgotten about the bay, that\'s what I\'m trying to say.
Or...nah, I\'m right there with you. I do like the bay a lot and it makes me sad to see how it\'s being left behind like a sinking ship....
So I\'ll join the choir and will shout HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with capital letters
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