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Textmessege from Me to You \"I love you\'re golden blonde teeth\"

Textmessege from You to Me \"Thanx, I appreciate it. Today Cameron and Diaz said that I\'ve been gaining weight but then I told them that it\'s just my boobs who got bigger and I think they got really impressed. it\'s important to be able to turn a bad situation to something good.\"

Textmessege from Me to You \"Well I got a mother in my hands.
She\'s hiding in in my yard, playing with the neibors bbq leftovers
and falling asleep in a birdnest. She cries sometime,but it\'s nothing to worry about. It\'s just that sometimes the world seems much worse then it does other times and when the bad times is coming up I whisper to the mother that she just shouldn\'t belive in it, because the only true is the good, not that I belive in the true but that I wan\'t her to. I don\'t know if she listens at all. She keeps making patterns of müsli and finding solutions of to mankind never known problems. She sais that she can\'t see the light and see no point in flossing because no one will kiss her ore what so ever, and she don\'t want to think that she believes in a lie\"

Textmessege from You to Me \"That\'s really a tuff one. I guess you just have to be creative...bigger boobes really helped me out\"

Fri vers av enaning
Läst 736 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-12-16 23:03

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  Stellan Johansson
Sista meddelandet är så himla bra, det är precis som när man lättar sitt hjärta för någon och upptäcker att den inte ens förstår problemet.
En annan tanke jag fick var att sista meddelandet besvarar en fråga som aldrig riktigt ställs, i alla fall inte rakt ut. Det är lite som att allvaret blir en fiende som måste bekämpas, snabbt och skoningslöst. Spännande text.

hehe, shit, den här texten gillade jag verkligen. Mkt sanning i dina ord..

fyfan vad vackert! jag älskar dig.
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