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one day a rain will fall
and wash away the memories
the dream will be gently swept away
by an ocean breeze
until then
it´s a struggle, my friend

i know that peace will rule the earth
for a thousand years
and that a loving hand
will brush away all my tears
until then
life´s a struggle, my friend

through tests and trials and hardships
guided by the shepherd's voice
the gold gets purified
and we´re the golden girls and boys
women and men
it´s a struggle, my friend

and when you´ve lost the battle
when tears are streaming down your face
reach out your hand and feel
the sweet and lovely touch of grace

clouds will be rolled away
and trumpet sound will fill the air
true love will have its way
it has already been declared
until then
it´s a struggle, my friend

your darkest hour gets
transformed into your brightest dawn
your heart gets filled with joy
cause it´s no longer made of stone
but until then
it´s a struggle, my friend


August 21, 2006

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 280 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-26 06:33

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  Elaine.S VIP
En alldeles underbar text som jag verkligen behövde
läsa denna morgon...Tack!!
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP