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Liten sammanställning av kärleksfulla grungetexter

Kärlek & Grunge

"Every love hits and run,
mess is mole love is blind"

"Come on over do the twist,
love you so much it makes me sick"

"Chew meat for you, pass it back and fourth
in a passionate kiss from my mouth to yours"

"I love him so much it just turns to hate"

"His milk is in my mouth, it makes me feel"

"I know someday you´ll have a beautiful life, I know you´ll be a star
in someone elses sky but why can´t it be mine?"

"If we change well then I´ll love you anyway"

"Oh I want to be inside of you"

Fri vers av Jonas Lindmark
Läst 327 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-14 12:25

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And I,

I'm still alive
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Jonas Lindmark
Jonas Lindmark