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En låt txt jag hittat på, fast den har ingen direkt Vers och ref eller så och den är alldeles för kort så det är vell bara en liten låt text da...

"Insane Hunger For your Blood"

I see your Face every day
and I just wanna scream out my rage
Cuz you'll never understand how I feel every time
(...) you touch me (..)

I can feel your scent, it is intoxicating ...
the mouth watering when
I hear the sound of dinner heartbeat...

And my skin is as white and smouth as snow, but just as hard as stone maby harder.

I want you every time your eyes meet mine,
you do not know what i want in you .
You should not do that ...
I beleve that you know my secret.
I met you In a dream
when my dream came true and
I woke up with a desire UNFULFILLED.

I want your blood
but you do it more difficult for me to resist,
you know what I am and
you know what I want.
I know what you want
or Is It just my animal instinct taking over.

You know what need I have right now,
I need to drink someones blood because
Im a Vampire soon going insane,
I know what you offer
But what can I offer back
when their Is nothing left to offer. Time goes And Im so sorry...

Fri vers av J.K Rowling-fan!
Läst 190 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-19 21:45

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J.K Rowling-fan!
J.K Rowling-fan!