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Draft by tenicious settings of raw

I would not subdue to anger
to farther cause I've gone
mere pressure who tempt to strangle
instilled hope for other prevail and I prolong

Dazzled age of year
scrambled dice ain't torture if not believed in
casting for avast majority of ones inner scheme
burden has faint, lie credential

Tell it to amaze eyes not easily amazed
would it offer such gesture in early
well merits sends that acceptance
I did repeat not failure but honest

Sentence was removed and sentence took place
archers pin point less than this
staying up were always more important
towards the zenith grow manners
eagerness did reveal some time ago

Fore now I just race, corners attempt to slow
straight was never to be, mindset climb those
serve inside could put service outside in shape
blanket me not anymore
I claim
I sustain

Övriga genrer av The Hy The Man
Läst 203 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-09 15:33

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The Hy The Man
The Hy The Man