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24 maj 2009 kl 10.24

Death by morning

On a morning like today the sun floods my window like thoughts of you flood my mind and I can feel my heart run over, making a mess of light and love in my bed. I would lay here, careful not to move, until every part of me is covered and I drown.

"How did she die?” they will ask.

"Oh, it was a mess", they will say, "her heart was nowhere to be found! But it seems she was happy for in rigor mortis her dead body stayed warm and her face was caught smiling."

Yes, love, I believe they might suspect I had been murdered by bliss this morning.

Fri vers av Sofia Westman
Läst 414 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-30 14:06

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Sofia Westman
Sofia Westman