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Somewhere else, someone else

In the white mans world of sterotypes and sexual fights
Feelings are hard to get by, logic and cold lock them inside
Longing for a land of love, longing for a hand in love
Somewhere else, not here, someone else, not you
When the mind resembles a snowball
we metaphorically kill all in our minds
So we end up seeing corpses outside
and emptiness and meaninglessness inside
Somewhere else, not here, someone else, not you
If I could only find it, the land of happiness and love
I would move there, I would fly, I would run
I would abandon all and everything I have for that other place
I move to Africa, for the rich culture and love we don't have
It is only superficial, so I move back and isolate myself
I sit
I lie down
I keep longing for somewhere else, where I can't go
I keep longing for someone else, whom I can't find
Yet inside of me, between the fear of eternity and the fear of dying forgotten
I see somewhere else, I see someone else
I see a different scene, a different disposition
The same way of life, the same god awful lies and the same deceit
The same place, no one else
But me
And I smile

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dr. Vem
Läst 325 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-01-16 19:46

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Dr. Vem
Dr. Vem