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"Are you living your dream?"

I walked down my street some time ago
And someone had sprayed the words
"Are you living your dream?"
all over a wall
I stood there and thought about it
"Am I living my dream?"
if my dream is waking up at 8 a.m. every other morning, just to be in school by 10, and then have a class of which I give no fuck of whatsoever for two hours.
Then yes I am living my dream.

If my dream is just sitting in my sofa playing games and having the occasional wank, then yes, I am living my dream.
This thought led to another thought, funny thing how thoughts give birth to other thoughts isn't it?
Is anyone else living their dream?

Is the man who works in an office all day, gets "respectably" drunk on the weekends and have sexual thoughts about his fourteen year old daughters friends, living his dream?
Is the woman, who works in the same office, does the same work, and gets half the mans salary and on top of that has to endure chestglares every day, living her dream?
Is the child who comes to his first day of school all anticipation and excitement, living his or her dream, when they realize that they will be boxed, labeled and shipped into anything from a McDonalds to a lawyers office?

It's a fair question though.
"Are you living your dream?"
I asked my dad about this and he told me:
"Son, my dream was to become an archeologist, travelling the world, finding what has been buried for millenia, but I had five kids, two dogs, one cat and a dragon for a wife instead"
So I said:

"Well dad, you're telling me you had a dream, and that you gave up on it, so, you're not living you're dream are you?"
And my dad just smiled and said:
"You don't get it, what I thought was my dream, was just a perfect illusion, this life I have now, this is the imperfect and beautiful dream I have always wanted, but never realized"

Okay, ofcourse, you can be happy with being a father and having a regular nine to five, ofcourse. So then, maybe more people than I thought are living their dream, it's just that they're having a bad day the day I look into their hollow and cold eyes. Maybe.
But, am I living my dream?

I don't think so, I think I am wasting my time waiting for my dream to jump out from behind a wall and go "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!"
And that, that's just sad really, I'm essentially too lazy to live my dream without getting it served, like so many others, I sit still, play games, wether they are people games or colorful pictures moving around on a television screen. Have the occasional wank, if lucky, I get laid.

"Are you living your dream?"

Or are you leaving your dream behind for another generic lifestyle, for another generic soul.

"Are you living your dream?"

No, but I will try to, right after I have myself another wank.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dr. Vem
Läst 552 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-31 23:43

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Tänkvärd och rolig. Well done!
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Dr. Vem
Dr. Vem