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One People, one Faith

We are all one people under allmighty God
Which God you pray to is witihin you
Differentiates you not from other believers

As one people under one sky
We all fight to survive
some way, some how
I am one man under one belief
One man as none can be who I am
and none can truly be two
As one man I stand alone in this world of darkness
With one belief that life is merely what we are given
no more, no less, we rule the world of our own mess

As one belief holds me from shattering
into a million scattered minds
In christianity my father found faith and reality
In faith he found peace
A peace I could not grasp
For his belief was not mine to keep
In one singular belief that God is the father of all
that Jesus is his son to spread the message of love
To sacrifice his life for all of mankind
to be betrayed and tortured yet keep his faith in love

We are one people under some God,
whichever God is yours
is yours alone
As one people we fight for belief
The one true belief of us
As one people, one mass, one species

We are the same
We have one belief, one true faith one steady stone in this rocking sea
I am my one true faith, I am my father and my mother
You are not my faith, you are not my father nor my father
Yet we are one people under one night sky
Shedding the light of our faith to the darkest corners of the night

We are one people under one God,
we are one people under one sun, one moon
I am one man, with one faith, one God
the God ruling me is within not externaly
My God is mortal, my God has power over my life only
This is my one God
I am one man of one species, I am one man in a crowd of many
As the people around me all are one of the many

We bother too much about ethnicity, about religion
We are all one human race, this is true
But our parents, our country´, our eyes, our skin
these are parts of us we should never dismiss
I am a half-blood, I have the blood of two countries running through my veins
I am the son of a christian, yet believe in nothing but myself
I have an untrimmed beard, but I'm not a hasidic jew

We only feel shame for what we are when someone tells us we should feel shame
My father thinks my beard is silly, thinks I should cut it, thinks I'm a fool for having it
But I feel no shame for this. I chose it.
My grandmother thinks I should be ashamed, because my father is an immigrant
But I feel no shame for this man
Stop telling people to be ashamed of who they are, and what they choose to be
You should feel ashamed for limiting the mind of one soul, one people, one faith

Fri vers av Dr. Vem
Läst 488 gånger
Publicerad 2011-06-19 22:26

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