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Ja, ett försök att skriva på engelska... Inspirerad av de s.k. dödahavsrullarna

Refuge in the battle between the righteous and the wicked

Listen! Hear the battle cry!

Like a roar of thunder

Like the raging sea a-yonder

The echo of drums is rolling by


Listen! Hear the horn of ram

Hear the trumpets call for advance

Now, nothing more is left to chance;

In the final sacrifice of lamb



Stand aside! Stand aside!

Run away and seek thy hide!

It is for thee they come;

Forget thy stupid pride;

Mercy thou wilt receive from none


Behold! Upon the edge of the hill

Their seven divisions are ascending

Their armour's gleam is a-blending

They are seven divisions prepared to kill


Behold now, their chief in command!

He is a-lifting the sacred spear!

Run away before they dare

To leave their settled stand




Who is approaching from the opposite angle?

Stained with blood their garments are

Slowly advancing from afar

Not prepared to stand the mangle


Their blood is to still the thirst

Of the dry and blood-red soil

The time is nigh for their recoil

As soon as the armies burst




Then what for thee, standing in between?

Standing all alone

Far away from safe at home

Retreat! Retreat before thou'rt seen!


But where to hide?

Oh, thou must know!

Know where to go...

So stand aside, yes stand aside!



Will thou be to stand, when the battle is over?

The soil coagulates to black;

After the righteous' final attack

The sacred Earth will soon recover!


What is the secret mystery?

To know the time to act;

And thus suffer no impact

From the battle's harmful misery

Fri vers av Serapis VIP
Läst 274 gånger
Publicerad 2008-01-30 11:15

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Serapis VIP