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Words are the vessel of our feelings

In an abstract matter,
thoughts and feelings would truly shatter,
without the proper way of transport,
their way out of the mind would surely be short,

So words would you please be the vessel of my mind,
Cause without the power of you I am confined,
In a dark room in which I am completely blind,
With you as a tool my mind can be refined,
And we can get a chance to be intertwined.

Linked together by a bridge of sentences,
understood by our hearts,

In order of a transmission of feelings,
You must highly keep your mind's ceilings.
Cause a feeling needs space to evolve,
into thoughts and later on into words.
and maybe now, the puzzle you can solve,
see how they form into beautiful white birds.
Flying all over me and you.

Bunden vers (Rim) av likemusictomyears
Läst 261 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-12-01 16:08

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  The Stargazer
Det här tilltalade mig ovanligt mycket för att vara en engelsk dikt, vilka jag vanligtvis inte brukar vara särskilt förtjusta i. Du förmedlar strålande bandet mellan känslorna och orden. Det är vackert formulerat, jag gillar rimmen och titeln säger så mycket i sin korthet. Ja, det här var riktigt bra helt enkelt.
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